Welcome to the Blog for the official UG Minecraft server! If you want to join, you can get the server's address from the Underground on the Minecraft thread. Please do not give the address out to a whole bunch of other people, though. We want to keep it a small server, and keep it griefer free.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Berinfell Texture Pack

Nope, I did NOT pick up MC again, but I am working on a Berinfell Texture Pack! :D

Here is a screenshot for ya'll: (Click to make bigger)

If you want to download the BETA version, do so here: http://crazyandyman.weebly.com/

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Tyler Dreamvine: Me, My Bro, and a zombie

Hey, guys. Tyler Dreamvine here. I was on the UG MC server, and I was compelled to take this shot.

Me and My brother Working on our house, before my skin kicked in.
I love the giant zombie... he's pretty awesome.

Friday, February 1, 2013

Andy's house

Hey, it's Andy, the creator of the server!
Here is my house:

There it is from the outside. You can see a Minecart track that leads to Whitehall Castle.
Mooshrooms are below.

Here is the inside. You can see the door leading to the Minecart track, the fireplace, and the edge of my beds.

That's my first house on this server :D
